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Opening Ceremony "Bantu Umak" Program
March 14, 2024 | Other Activities
Today (14/3), the Head of BPS Musi Banyuasin Regency, Trio Wira Dharma, attended the Opening Ceremony for the Distribution of Social Assistance Funds for the "Bantu Umak" Program at Bank BRI Sekayu Branch.
The "Bantu Umak" program is a poverty alleviation program by the Musi Banyuasin Regency Government through the Social Service. Since July 2023, this program has been launched by providing cash assistance through accounts targeting households in the Extreme Poor category.
The Opening Ceremony for the 2024 "Bantu Umak" Program was led directly by the Acting Regent of Musi Banyuasin Regency, H. Apriyadi and his staff. From 2023 until now, the "Bantu Umak" program has targeted around 20 thousand people. The hope is that recipients of the "Bantu Umak" program will not increase every year, but will continue to decrease, meaning the number of extreme poverty in Muba will also decrease.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin(BPS-Statistics Musi Banyuasin Regency)Jalan Merdeka LK I Sekayu 30711Telp/Fax(0714) 321023