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May 27, 2024 | Other Activities
Polsky Statistics Corner is a collaborative service between the Muba Regency Central Statistics Agency and Sekayu Polytechnic as a form of BPS concern in disseminating the variety and benefits of statistical products.
In this Podcast #1, together with Radio Gema Randik Muba presents two speakers, namely Mr. Trio Wira Dharma, S.ST., M.M. as Head of Muba Regency BPS and Mr. Harpiansi, M.Pd. as Director of Sekayu Polytechnic. On this occasion, the two speakers introduced the Polsky Statistics Corner in the form of the Statistics Corner location, the Statistics Agent who is a selected student from Sekayu Polytechnic, as well as the activities carried out by the Statistics Corner team. Apart from that, the Statistics Corner also provides services in the form of consultations, a library containing BPS data publications which can be read for free at the Statistics Corner. All students can use this service and the Statistics Agent and Muba Regency BPS will provide services according to the needs of service users.
So, don't forget to visit the Polsky Statistics Corner and look forward to the next interesting Polsky Statistics Corner Podcasts with an equally interesting theme with Radio Gema Randik Muba!
If #SahabatData has any questions about statistical data, please contact us via Whatsapp. Our operators are ready to give assistances. Our service is available on every working days, Monday to Friday from 08.00 pm tp 3.30 pm
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin(BPS-Statistics Musi Banyuasin Regency)Jalan Merdeka LK I Sekayu 30711Telp/Fax(0714) 321023