December 2011, Indonesia Exports Down by 0.22 Percent and Imports Rise 6.14 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Musi Banyuasin Regency

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December 2011, Indonesia Exports Down by 0.22 Percent and Imports Rise 6.14 Percent

Release Date : February 1, 2012
File Size : 0.32 MB


"Indonesia's export value in December 2011 reached US $ 17.20 billion or decreased by 0.22 percent compared to November 2011 export. Meanwhile, compared to December 2010, exports increased by 2.19 percent. Non-oil / non-gas exports in December 2011 reached US $ 13.60 billion, down 0.85 percent compared to November 2011, compared to December 2010 export of 0.19 percent. The cumulative value of Indonesian exports from January to December 2011 reached US $ 203.62 billion, an increase of 29.05 percent over the same period in 2010, while non-oil exports reached US $ 162.02 billion, an increase of 24.88 percent. The largest decline in non-oil exports in December 2011 occurred in animal and vegetable fats and oils of US $ 489.9 million, while increases occurred in ores, crust and ash of US $ 136.3 million. Non-oil / non-gas exports to China in December 2011 reached US $ 2.15 billion, followed by Japan at US $ 1.60 billion and US $ 1.29 billion, with the contribution of 37.05 percent. Meanwhile, exports to the European Union (27 countries) amounted to US $ 1.69 billion. According to the sector, exports of industrial products in the period of January-December 2011 rose by 24.66 percent compared to the same period in 2010, as well as agricultural products exports rose 3.34 percent and exports of mining and other products rose 29.72 percent. Indonesia's import value in December 2011 reached US $ 16.34 billion or increased by 6.14 percent compared to imports in November 2011 which amounted to US $ 15.39 billion, compared to imports of December 2010 (US $ 13.15 billion), up 24.28 percent. Meanwhile, during January-December 2011, import value reached US $ 177.30 billion or increased 30.69 percent if compared to import in the same period of previous year (US $ 135.66 billion). Non-oil / gas imports in December 2011 amounted to US $ 12.71 billion or up US $ 0.77 billion (6.40 percent) compared to non-oil / non-gas imports in November 2011 (US $ 11.94 billion), while non-oil and gas imports during January-December 2011 reached US $ 136.61 billion an increase of 26.20 percent compared to non-oil and gas imports in the same period of 2010 (US $ 108.25 billion).

Imports of oil and gas in December 2011 amounted to US $ 3.63 billion or up US $ 0.18 billion (5.26 percent) compared to oil and gas imports in November 2011 (US $ 3.45 billion), while oil and gas imports during January-December 2011 reached US $ 40.69 billion an increase of 48.42 percent compared to oil and gas imports in the same period last year (US $ 27.41 billion).

The largest non-oil / gas import value in December 2011 was mechanical goods and mechanical equipment valued at US $ 2.46 billion. This value rose 10.46 percent (US $ 0.23 billion) compared to the same imported goods group in November 2011 (US $ 2.23 billion). Meanwhile, the imports of the goods category during January-December 2011 reached US $ 24.68 billion or an increase of 23.26 percent (US $ 4.66 billion) compared to the same category of imports the previous year (US $ 20.02 billion).

The country's largest non-oil / gas imports supplier during January-December 2011 was still occupied by China with a value of US $ 25.53 billion with a share of 18.69 percent, followed by Japan US $ 19.31 billion (14.14 percent) and the United States US $ 10.67 billion (7.81 percent). Non-oil imports from ASEAN reached 21.75 percent, while from the EU at 9.08 percent.

The import value of all categories of goods usage during January-December 2011 compared to imports in the same period last year increased respectively, namely imports of consumer goods by 34.01 percent, raw / auxiliary materials by 32.49 percent, and capital goods by 22.85 percent.
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