Catalog Number | : | 1202059.1606 |
Publication Number | : | - |
ISSN/ISBN | : | - |
Publishing Frequency | : | Annualy |
Release Date | : | March 15, 2016 |
Language | : | Indonesian |
File Size | : | 1.09 MB |
Performance Report of BPS Musi BanyuasinRegency is a manifestation of accountability and performance accountability of BPS as a State Operator. This report is an effort to improve the implementation of government activities that are more efficient, effective, clean and responsible to monitor BPS Kabupaten MusiBanyuasin as government agencies in achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the implementation of statistical activities. In this report is set performance performance against the target that has been set at the beginning 2015, performance outcomes of the final target Renstra 2015-2019, and achievements achieved in 2015. The results of this report is expected to be an evaluation material to achieve more optimal performance in the coming year.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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