NTP Down 0.02 Percent and Rice Price (GKP) Up 7.86 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Musi Banyuasin Regency

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NTP Down 0.02 Percent and Rice Price (GKP) Up 7.86 Percent

NTP Down 0.02 Percent and Rice Price (GKP) Up 7.86 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2012
File Size : 1.97 MB


National Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) in January 2012 was 105.73 or down 0.02 percent compared to the previous month's NTP.The decrease of NTP due to the decrease of NTP Horticultural Sub-sector by 0.64 percent, NTP Subsector of Smallholder Plantation by 0.55 percent, and NTP Fisheries Sub-sector by 0,27 percent. In January 2012, NTP Banten Province experienced the highest increase (1.05 percent) compared to other provinces NTP increase. In contrast, West Kalimantan Province's NTP was the largest decrease (1.46 percent) compared to other provinces' NTP decline. In January 2012, inflation in rural areas in Indonesia stood at 0.74 percent, mainly triggered by the rise in the index of Food and Food Group. Based on 765 grain sales transactions in 20 provinces during January 2012, dominated transactions of dry grain harvest (GKP) 72.16 percent, low quality grain 17.52 percent, and milled grain (GKG) 10.32 percent. During January 2012, the average price of grain quality of GKP at farmers Rp4.406,32 per kg (up 7.86 percent) and in milling Rp4.475,32 per kg (up 7.82 percent) compared to the same quality December 2012 , In the grain quality of GKG in farmers Rp4.776,92 per kg (up 5.03 percent) and in milling Rp4.857,87 per kg (up 5.15 percent). Meanwhile, low quality rice in farmers Rp3.804, 19 per kg (up 3.25 percent) and in the milling Rp3.880, 49 per kg (up 3.35 percent). Compared to January 2011 average price, the overall grain quality group increased. In farmers, for GKP quality increased 12.47 percent, GKG quality 13.79 percent, and low quality 22.64 percent during January 2012. While in milling, GKP quality increased 12.14 percent, GKG quality 13.73 percent, and low quality 22.40 percent.

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